Tuesday 27 May 2014


Hi everyone,

I thought i'd share some of my vitamins and herbs that I am currently taking to keep me fit.

1. zinc - I take this before going to bed as this helps me sleep better and raise my testosterone, which means the more testosterone the more lean muscle your going to build.

2. Multivitamins ,believe me when I say you need these to keep you body in good condition as if you are a busy person like I am ,you will not have time to eat the required meals ,which means you are loosing out on nutrients.

3. Fish Oil , good for overall health and improve memory as well.
4. Rosemary Herb, I take this in the morning as rosemary is good for your brain and also good for your digestive system ,so meaning your digestive get to work properly meaning your nutrients gets absorbed quickly.

Also good for getting rid of bad toxic out of your body.

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